Sunday, September 26, 2010

and now for something completely different

Today I went to a California native plant sale and despite our move to Tokyo, bought plants. These are tough "don't give any summer water" salvias, buckwheats and alum roots. Such a totally different kind of gardening and overall lifestyle much of it driven by climate.

Our garden in Kawasaki is filled with shade and moisture loving plants. Azaleas and Hydrangeas being two plants I recognized off the bat. These plants would fry in my yard.

I'm totally excited about learning about this different eco-system. The part that scares me more is how it affects living in the traditional house. I have been reading that Japanese houses are built for summer not for winter. Supposedly this is to keep the airy and cool. What worries me is the moisture combined with the heat. Airing out futons? Drying tatami mats in the sun? bedbugs? eeeeeeeekkkkkk. Ok, ok, I lived in Sweden - very cold and dark and I adjusted. I'll adjust to this too. But any tips or any confessionals from other wimpy Californians would be very appreciated.

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