Sunday, November 28, 2010

One Month to Go

Such a horrendous blogger I have been. I guess my best excuse is I am still in California and this blog is, supposedly about life in Japan.

We have packed up nearly all our stuff (Man, we have a lot of stuff) into our sheds. It is really fantastic exercise to go through especially since the kids and I have been living with less and less stuff. And for the most part, we haven't needed 90% of that stuff. And mind you, this is after a huge garage sale where we got rid of 1/4 of our furniture.

It has also been weird but gradually more ok to be letting go of my garden. I let our friend and now property manager plant fava seeds and so I ceremoniously turn the garden over to him. Since we leave on Christmas day, I'm not sure we'll get to eat any of our oranges either.

It is time to move on both physically and mentally.

But I can tell you now, when we come back and we open those sheds, we will wonder why we had some much stuff.

Since we arrive in winter, my garden agenda will be short and I'll mostly be focused on getting the kids settled in school and to get started on Japanese classes myself (at least two days a week). The one thing I do plan on getting started in January is worm composting. Hardest thing is going to be find the worms themselves.

I am not going to buy this expensive ( ¥27,930 plus delivery) setup:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathleen - this is very exciting and I enjoyed reading your posts about the big shift! It will be interesting to hear how you get on with your native gardening perspective - in Tokyo! It's a fantastic opportunity - to live for an extended period in a different country - I love the idea, though I realize the challenges must be tremendous too. Best wishes to your family!
